Autism Bites Blog

For years I had a blog devoted entirely to the challeges of having six children on the Autism spectrum.  You my review that history here.

The story of my family has appeared in many media outlets over the years. 

- Channel 4,, Salt Lake City, Utah - February 2007
- The Deseret News, Salt Lake City, Utah - June 2007
- People Magazine - February 4, 2008 issue
- Good Morning America - February 6, 2008
- Channel 2, KUTV, Salt Lake City, Utah - February 26, 2008
- Inside Edition - March 21, 2008
- Larry King Live - April 1, 2008
- Discover Health channel documentary, Autism x 6 - October 2008
- Discover Health channel documentary, Unlocking Autism - April 2009
- Additionally many radio, Internet and blog interviews as well as speaking at charitable, political and advocate events

This is the link to our extremely popular Autism t-shirts