I've recently mentioned on my Facebook page that I took a break from the site to figure out life. This last year has been an emotional roller coaster for a number of reasons. Money has been tight, paying jobs few and my overall health was the worse ever. But, that was last year... good riddance!
So now what?
The reason and focus of Kirtonomics will now be more defined. The title is new: Creating Disabled Financial Security. Watch and listen to me tell about the life-changing discovery I had. CLICK HERE
So, if you didn't already know, I'm the Dad of six children with various levels of Autism. (click the various links to the right for more details if you choose). I worry about their future... I worry about their NOW.
What's the plan?
I have created relationships with mentors and investors. In the next few days I'll be adding a tab called, "Financial Security" to this blog. There I will detail how ANYONE can partner with me to earn substantial amounts of income to do with as you and your family needs require. Don't worry, it will not cost you anything and it's not MLM or something like that.