I mean he must be, right? Something like the Terminator robot that starred Arnold Schwarzenegger... he's a machine! I've heard, and assume that it's true, that he does eat -- but does he sleep?
I doubt it.
How can any NORMAL person do the prep and host a three hour radio program -- plus the prep and host an hour long TV show? Sure he has a staff of assistants, but I can't imagine he's asleep in the corner while they do all the work.
Then there is books. He reads them all the time... "Last night I was reading the latest..." he'll say often on the radio. And he not only reads... he writes books to! I read this just yesterday: "The Overton Window is Beck's sixth number-one
bestseller. According to his publisher, Simon & Schuster, he has previously reached the top spot with An Inconvenient Book, The Christmas Sweater, Glenn Beck's Common Sense, Arguing With Idiots, and the children's version of The Christmas Sweater."
Six number one best sellers?! Glenn Beck must be an alien.
Additionally besides radio, TV and books -- he does tours. Bill O’Reilly and Glenn Beck hit the road together this past January on the “Bold and Fresh Tour.” He has done his "Christmas Sweater" show. And now he has recently started the "American Revival" tour.
He's a married man. Got the wife and kids, goes to church on Sunday's. I understand he drives a Chevrolet and I bet he eats apple pie too. Does way too much to be just a 'regular' Joe.
So there's the proof: Glenn Beck is an alien.
But, there is another possibility. Maybe he is so committed to what he believes in that he doesn't need that much sleep. Maybe he feels that our time to make changes to restore this great country of ours to it's once high position in the world again, is short and he has to do all he can. Maybe he feels an unspoken mandate or mission from God himself.
Nah, he's an alien.