79% of all leads generated at a trade show aren’t followed up.
Only 3% of our mail is personal…how do you feel when you walk out to the mail box and see a personal card addressed to you? Your clients/prospects are no different.
Average company loses 50% of its customers every 5 years…Cost of replacing them can be 6-7 times more expensive.
5% increase in customer loyalty will yield 20%-80% to our bottom line profit…Much wiser to spend money on customer retention than acquisition.
For every month that we don’t contact or communicate with our client, we lose 10% of our influence.
82% of all homeowners can’t tell you the name of their Realtor if they bought their home more than two years ago.
Just saying thank you to our clients…particularly new clients even with only a phone call to do nothing more than saying thank you…(do not try to sell on this call) it will increase your business by 17%.
95% of our customers will purchase from a competitor even if you provide a great service on an impulse.
So can you do something about these stats -- or is that just the way things are? This is a simple and inexpensive way to make all the above problems... just go away.